What is the teaching qualification certificate? How do I apply for the qualification?
It's a qualification certificate issued by the state educational authority, to ensure quality of education and registration.To obtain the teaching qualification certificate, you need to have: Citizenship of People's Republic of China, High moral standard, Solid educational background,
Sound ability and technique in teachingLevels of the teaching qualification are kindergarten, primary, junior middle school, high school, vocational school, vocational school and teacher in institute of higher learning. Requirements of obtaining the certificate differ in accordance with the level.
Teachers already at job may apply for the teaching qualification certificate through the school they currently work with.
To date, the certificate is not open to those not being teacher at present but wish to apply for the qualification. But the procedure concerned will be ready soon to absorb more talents into the educational field.
The Education Staff Communication Center, under the supervision of Shanghai Educational Committee, is in charge of the qualification issue.
Tel: 0790-6442420