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Copyright is not only a window through which Xinyu municipal can connect the world and serve the public but also a bridge between the mass and the government. Guided by Deng Xiaoping theory and " three represents" important thought, and met the demands which the Reform and Open policy as well as the market economy made for governmental affairs, Xinyu government decided to make government affairs public and strengthen the transparency of the governmental work, realizing to handle the affairs on internet and improving the government public service level. So it is required to transform the government functions and enhance the working efficiency as well as the custodial validity. The friendly website portal , clear website navigation, adequate information and high quality online service would improve the website's readability, practicality and interaction.
is the information resources of governmental affaires, meanwhile including a lot of documentary, service information and news which reflects Xinyu’s economy, culture and society. Our website compile the information by ourselves, at the same time, we also select some articles and pictures about Xinyu in other books and publications. If the authors of our chosen articles and pictures think that it is wrong to carry their them directly. We sincerely hope you can connect us in time, and then we will handle the problems as quickly as possible. Some other institutes and departments can’t reproduce these kinds of articles or pictures without the permission of the authors.
is Xinyu government's official web portal: Sponsored by Xinyu Municipal Government Technical Support & Design: Information Center, All Rights Reserved

Xinyu municipal government office

Xinyu Daily Agency

Jun 10, 2008